The Brand & Lifestyle Licensing Awards reward excellence in product innovation, brand licensing management as well as retail execution within the ever-evolving brand and lifestyle licensing arena. 

Launched in 2016, The B&LLAs gives the brand and lifestyle licensing and retail sector an opportunity to be recognised and rewarded separately to the massive character and entertainment licensing sector which is covered by The UK Licensing Awards in September. The UK Licensing Awards in September.

While there is much discussion as to what constitutes a ‘brand’, in the context of The B&LLAs only licences and licensed products featuring brands hailing from the museum & heritage, food & beverage, FMCG non-food, automotive, media, design-led IP and fashion genres are applicable. All entertainment brands including TV, film, celebrity as well as gaming, music and sports are covered by The Licensing Awards in September.

The B&LLAs are owned and organised by Max Publishing which has a pedigree in licensing with The UK Licensing Awards, The Licensing Source Book and

The B&LLAs Awards 2025 will open for entry on
Monday 2 December. The awards are FREE to enter and all entries are made digitally.

Be sure to subscribe to to keep up to date with the latest announcements.

The winners of the awards will be revealed at a lavish afternoon event held at The Royal Lancaster Hotel, Lancaster Terrace, London on Thursday 24 April 2025, that will be attended by over 500 retailers, licensees, brand owners and representatives. 

For information on attending the event, please go to TICKETS.

For sponsorship, entry queries or general enquiries regarding the BELLAs awards, please contact Ian HyderJakki Brown or Rob Willis at Max Publishing (owners of the B&LLAs Awards) or the London HQ using +44 (0)207 700 6740.

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